'RX' Running Tool | Oilfield Equipment | Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd.

The PARVEEN “RX” Running Tool sets X, XN, R, RN, and RQ Locking Mandrels in the top type X, XN, R, RN and RQ landing nipples. This tool is generally used for installing safety valves in the uppermost landing nipple. With this tool, the lock mandrel may be run with the keys in the control or locating positions. The lock mandrel keys PARVEEN as a no-go to locate the nipple rather than the dogs on the running tool. When a non-no-go lock is being run, the keys must be run in the locating position and the lock must be set in the first nipple in the bore of that lock. The position of a snap ring in the tool gives a positive indication when the lock is fully set.

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